Computer and Telecommunications Engineering impact on society: these are the common features shared between the two ad honorem graduates of Politecnico di Torino Thomas M. Siebel, Chairman and CEO of C3 IoT and Chairman and founder of the Siebel Energy Institute, and S. Shankar Sastry, Director of the Siebel Energy Institute as well as Dean of the College of the Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. Today they will be awarded the two honorary degrees by the Rector Marco Gilli and the two Heads of the Department of Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering Andrea Bianco and of the Department of Control and Computer Engineering, Claudio Demartini.
Mr. Thomas Siebel is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of C3 IoT and was the founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer of Siebel Systems, one of the world’s leading software companies, with more than 8,000 employees in 32 countries, over 4,500 corporate customers, and annual revenue in excess of $2 billion, that merged with Oracle Corporation in January 2006.
Mr. Siebel is the founder and Chairman of the Thomas and Stacey Siebel Foundation, established in 1996, which funds projects to support energy solutions, educational and research programs, public health, and the homeless and underprivileged. In 2015 the Foundation launched the Siebel Energy Institute, a global consortium for innovative and collaborative energy research for the public domain. The Siebel Energy Institute fosters research collaboration among premier universities and spurs the greatest minds in engineering and computer science to address the most pressing energy challenges of our time.
The honorary degree Laurea Magistrale ad honorem in Computer Engineering (Ingegneria Informatica) is conferred on Thomas Siebel “for his recognized worldwide leadership in Advanced Information Technologies as founder and CEO of Siebel Systems and C3 IoT and for his extraordinary contributions to the development of Science and Technology, in particular in advanced analytics and IoT, through the Siebel Foundation, the Siebel Energy Institute, and the Siebel Scholar Program”
S. Shankar Sastry is currently the Roy W. Carlson Professor of Engineering and Dean of Engineering at University of California, Berkeley. His areas of personal research are resilient cyber-physical systems, mechanism design and incentive theory for complex societal scale systems network, cybersecurity, autonomous robotic systems (especially unmanned aerial vehicles), computer vision, nonlinear and adaptive control, and control of hybrid and embedded systems.
The honorary degree Laurea Magistrale ad honorem in Telecommunications Engineering (Ingegneria Idelle Telecomunicazioni) is conferred on Shankar Sastry “for his extraordinary research achievements in the field of Nonlinear and Adaptive Control, Autonomous robotic systems, and Cyber-Physical Systems and for his leading contributions to the studies of Societal impact of Information Technologies, as Dean of the College of Engineering of the University of California, Berkeley, Director of the Blum Center for Developing Economies and former Director of the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS).
“As we discussed during the three G7 meetings held in September here in Turin, we are facing an Industrial/Production Revolution”, says the Rector of Politecnico Marco Gilli: “The challenge is to understand the new paradigm of men-machines collaboration and to promote policies to make this new form of interaction beneficial for people and for the Society. In this framework, Shankar Sastry and Thomas Siebel have given an extraordinary contribution to the development of Advanced Information Technologies: Shankar Sastry, as one of the most brilliant researcher in the field, Tom Siebel as an extraordinary worldwide entrepreneurial leader. But in addition to their tremendous achievements in Science and Technology, they are also giving an exceptional contribution to study and understand the societal impact of emerging technologies, in order to make them more inclusive and sustainable”
“It is my great privilege to receive this recognition from Politecnico di Torino, one of the world’s preeminent universities. The honor and privilege are humbling and overwhelming”, says Thomas Siebel.
“It is my great honor to receive this degree from such a prestigious university--one for which I personally have great fondness and with which I have had substantial collaboration over the years”, says Shankar Sastry.